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发布时间:2024-11-18 点击: 分享到:


为进一步加强学术交流,推动学术发展,促进陕西省电子商务与政务重点实验室的发展,赌博平台-线上赌博平台-正规赌博平台 拟于2024年11月24日在中国西部科技创新港举办“数字经济与商务智能”学术交流暨陕西省电子商务重点实验室建设研讨会。现将有关事项公告如下:







张诚 复旦大学管理学院教授

钟远光 华南理工大学工商管理学院教授

柴一栋 合肥工业大学管理学院教授

孙鹤立 西安交通大学新闻与新媒体学院教授,副院长

刘汕 西安交通大学管理学院教授,副院长



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主题1. Optimizing Multiproduct Presale Pricing Strategies Using a Markovian Logit Choice Model

讲座人:钟远光 华南理工大学

内容简介:Presale is a common policyfor online retailers,which consists of a deposit collected in advance and a finalpayment. This policy usuallyleads to lowershipping costs due to early knowledge of demand. We study the pricing problem for an online retailer who sellsmultiple substitutableproducts through presale channel and traditional channel. The consumer’s sequential decisions on paying the deposit and the final payment arecharacterized by a generalized Markovian logit choice model,which allows us to formulate a joint pricing optimization problem under the framework of marginaldistributionmodel (MDM). We derive the optimal pricing decisions as well astheconsumers’ choice probability for each option, and also investigate the optimaltime to collect the deposit in advance. In addition, we show that return policy is beneficial to the retailer and obtain the optimal return fees. Finally, we conduct a case study using the data from a major online retailer in China, whichverifies the effectiveness ofour model.


主讲人简介:钟远光,华南理工大学工商管理学院二级教授,兴华杰出学者,博士生导师,工业工程系主任,中国运筹学会行为运筹学与行为运营管理分会副理事长、广东省机械工程学会工业工程分会副理事长、管理科学与工程协会理事等。长期致力于供应链库存优化、库存共享与分配、优化理论方法与应用等领域的研究,代表性论文发表在MS、OR、MSOM、POM等期刊上。主持国家杰出青年基金项目、国家自科面上项目和青年项目,作为核心成员参与国家自科创新群体项目。入选教育部国家级人才计划(2021年),获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果三等奖,广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖和二等奖,安徽省科学技术三等奖,OMEGA Best Paper等奖励。

主题2. Using Generative AI to Address Puffery Advertising: Evidence from Two Field Studies

讲座人:张诚 复旦大学

内容简介:Puffery advertising raises concerns about information manipulation in advertisements. This study uses two field studies to examine how generative artificial intelligence (GAI) can correct puffery while maintaining ad attractiveness. In the first study, taking advantage of a special context where media platforms enforce varying puffery tolerance policies, we examine cases where the same advertisement is corrected by some platforms but remains unaltered by others. The findings of analyzing 295,403 real advertising exposures show that using GPT to address puffery content significantly increases the click-through probability of advertisement by 16%. We further conducted a randomized field experiment on 32,200 advertising exposures, using prompt engineering to guide GPT in revising each of twelve individual linguistic and emotional features of the advertisements. The results reveal that enhancing linguistic readability is the most effective approach for transforming puffery advertisements into attractive and legitimate ones. The study generates important implications on how GAI can be used to effectively address puffery advertising and increase marketing performance. It also illustrates that puffery advertising may not always be as luring as it may appear. The tackling of puffery advertising by GAI can not only resolve ethical concerns in advertising but also enhance advertising effectiveness.


主讲人简介:张诚,复旦大学管理学院信息管理与商业智能系教授,主要研究方向包括信息技术商业价值、平台创新和人工智能的商业应用。发表UTD期刊论文11篇,主持5项国自科和6项省部级项目。担任过Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication、Journal of Association for Information Systems和Journal of Global Information Management等4本国际期刊副编辑或编委。


主题3. 对抗鲁棒的智能预测方法研究

讲座人:柴一栋 合肥工业大学

内容简介:随着机器学习方法在预测任务上的广泛应用,机器学习本身的安全性日益引起人们的关注。对抗攻击(Adversarial attack)通过对原始样本进行轻微扰动生成对抗样本(adversarial samples),实现对机器学习模型的欺骗,从而对智能预测任务的安全造成严重威胁。将从如何评估机器学习方法抵御对抗攻击的能力(对抗鲁棒性),以及如何提升机器学习的对抗鲁棒性展开汇报,分析如何构建具有对抗鲁棒性的智能预测方法。


主讲人简介:柴一栋,合肥工业大学教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于清华大学经管学院管理科学与工程系,主要关注如何设计创新性的人工智能方法,更好地服务于个人、组织和社会的现代科学化管理。以第一作者或通讯作者发表研究成果于MISQ、ISR、JMIS等管理信息系统顶刊(UTD/FT),以及IEEE TDSC、IEEE TPAMI、IEEE TKDE等国际计算机科学顶刊(CCF A)。发表学术专著一部,授权专利多项。获全国首届数据空间大会优秀科技成果奖、国际信息系统会议WITS 2021 best paper award等。担任Industrial Management & Data Systems(SCI)编委,担任PACIS 2023 Design Science in IS Track联合主席,担任ICIS/PACIS副主编,担任MISQ、ISR、POM、INFORMS JOC、JMIS、IEEE TDSC等期刊审稿人。主持国家优秀青年基金等项目。






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