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发布时间:2024-11-22 点击: 分享到:

报告题目:Mimetic behavior in foreign investment: Are the location choices of private firms affected by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs)?





   郑玮,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授,北京大学光华管理学院博士,哈佛大学商学院联合培养博士。主要研究方向包括国际投资、企业创新等,曾在国内外权威学术期刊Organization Science, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, Management and Organization Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management,《管理世界》《国际贸易问题》《经济管理》等发表论文数十篇,国家自然科学基金项目主持人,商务部课题负责人,作为主要成员参与撰写《国际商务》教材、《“一带一路”贸易投资指数报告》《中国技术贸易报告》等。学术成果曾获国际商务学术年会(AIB)最佳论文奖、Emerald/IAMCR中国地区管理学基金奖冠军、北京市青年教师教学基本功比赛论文二等奖,多篇教学案例入选中国专业学位案例中心案例库。Academy of Management (AOM)、Strategic Management Society (SMS)、Academy of International Business (AIB)、中国管理研究国际学会等国际学术组织会员,任Management and Organization Review,International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management等期刊审稿人,同时担任全国高校国际贸易学科协作组国际商务论坛副秘书长、国际商务专业学位研究生教学指导委员会秘书处办公室主任、教育部虚拟教研室经济学协作组联络员。


This study examines how the foreign investment location choices of Chinese private enterprises (PEs) are influenced by those made by state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Drawing on institutional theory, we posit that, due to high uncertainty in international markets, PEs are inclined to imitate the investment strategies of their state-owned counterparts. The analysis of outward foreign direct investments (OFDI) from 2003 to 2019 reveals that SOE presence in a foreign country significantly increases the likelihood of PEs choosing the same location. The results underscore the informational and legitimacy benefits gained from such mimetic behavior. The study also shows that the extent of mimetic behavior differs considerably across firms, driven by the level of government control in SOEs, the institutional distance between home and host countries, and the R&D intensity of PEs. The study extends the understanding of mimetic behavior in foreign location choices beyond homogeneous firm groups, demonstrating how SOE shape the internationalization strategies of PEs.



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