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发布时间:2020-10-10 点击: 分享到:

报告题目:Combinatorial optimization models in sports scheduling

报 告 人:Celso Ribeiro

时 间:2020年10月13日(星期二)上午8:30-10:00

腾讯会议:948 554 494


Celso Ribeiro是Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)教授,巴西科学院院士,美国AT&T实验室中心的客座研究员,赌博平台-线上赌博平台-正规赌博平台 客座教授。主要研究兴趣是离散优化、启发式方法、随机方法、并行计算、图与网络等,共出版专著六部,发表文章一百四十余篇,现任International Transactions in Operational Research (Wiley)杂志的主编,以及一些国际知名期刊的副主编。

讲座摘要Sports have worldwide appeal. Professional sport leagues involve significant investments and face challenging logistics optimization problems. On the other side, amateur leagues involve less investments, but also require coordination and logistical efforts due to the large number of tournaments and competitors. A key aspect of sporting events is the ability to generate schedules and assign venues that optimize logistic issues and that are fair to all those involved. This is not just restricted to generating the fixtures, but also to other issues such as assigning officials to the games in the competition. Integer programming, constraint programming, metaheuristics, and hybrid methods have been successfully applied to the solution of different variants of this problem. In this lecture, we overview fundamental issues, problem formulations, solution methods, applications, and successful case studies in professional leagues of different sport disciplines such as football, baseball, basketball, and hockey.





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