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发布时间:2020-08-25 点击: 分享到:

刘 泓 汛  教 授


邮   箱:[email protected]







2018.05至今,赌博平台-线上赌博平台-正规赌博平台 ,副教授、教授。

2018.09-2020.12,美国普林斯顿大学,博士后研究员(合作导师:Denise L. Mauzerall教授)。


2016.07-2018.05,赌博平台-线上赌博平台-正规赌博平台 ,助理教授。



[1] Lisha Yang, Yutianhao Li,Hongxun Liu (Corresponding author). Did carbon trade improve green production performance? Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 2021, 96, 105185.

[2] Hongxun Liu, Denise L. Mauzerall. Costs of clean heating in China: Evidence from rural households in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.Energy Economics, 2020, 90, 104844.

[3] Kian Mintz-Woo, Francis Denning,Hongxun Liu, Thomas Schinko. Carbon pricing and COVID-19.Climate Policy, 2020, ahead-of-print, 1-9.

[4] 周林,刘泓汛(通讯作者), 曹铭, 李江龙. 全国碳排放权交易市场模拟机价格风险.西安交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2020年5月, 第40卷第3期(总161期), 109-118.

[5] 刘泓汛, 陈佳琪, 李江龙. 电厂排放改造和居民散煤替代的成本效益分析——以陕西省为例.厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2019年第6期(总第256期), 107-121.

[6] Hongxun Liu, Kerui Du, Jianglong Li. An improved approach to estimate direct rebound effect by incorporating energy efficiency: A revisit of China’s industrial energy demand.Energy Economics, 2019, 80: 720-730. (ESI热点&高被引)

[7] Jianglong Li,Hongxun Liu, Kerui Du. Does market-oriented reform increase energy rebound effect? Evidence from China's regional development.China Economic Review, 2019, 56: 101304.

[8] Jianglong Li,Chang Chen,Hongxun Liu (Corresponding author). Transition from non-commercial to commercial energy in rural China: Insights from the accessibility and affordability.Energy Policy, 2019, 127: 392-403.

[9] Lin Zhou, Jianglong Li, Yangqing Dan, Chunping Xie, Houyin Long,Hongxun Liu (Corresponding author). Entering and exiting: Productivity evolution of energy supply in China.Sustainability, 2019, 11.

[10] Hongxun Liu, Jianglong Li, Houyin Long, Zhi Li, Canyu Le. Promoting energy and environmental efficiency within a positive feedback loop: Insights from global value chain.Energy Policy, 2018, 121: 175-184.

[11] Hongxun Liu,Jianglong Li. The US shale gas revolution and its externality on crude oil prices: A counterfactual analysis.Sustainability, 2018, 10.

[12] Hongxun Liu,Zhi Li. Carbon cap-and-trade in China: A comprehensive framework.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017, 53: 1152-1169.

[13] Hongxun Liu,Boqiang Lin. Cost-based modeling of optimal emission quota allocation.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 149: 472-484.

[14] Hongxun Liu,Boqiang Lin. Energy substitution, efficiency, and the effects of carbon taxation: evidence of China’s building construction industry.Journal of Cleaner Production,2016, 141: 1134-1144.

[15] Hongxun Liu,Boqiang Lin. Incorporating energy rebound effect in technological advancement and green building construction: A case study of China.Energy and Buildings, 2016, 129: 150-161.

[16] Hongxun Liu,Boqiang Lin. Ecological indicators for green building construction.Ecological Indicators, 2016, 67: 68-77.

[17] 林伯强,刘泓汛. 对外贸易是否有利于提高能源环境效率——以中国工业行业为例.《经济研究》, 2015年第9期。

[18] Boqiang Lin,Hongxun Liu. CO2mitigation potential in China’s building construction industry: evidence from comparing energy performance.Building and Environment, 2015, 94: 239-251.

[19] Boqiang Lin,Hongxun Liu. CO2emissions of China’s commercial and residential buildings: Evidence and reduction policy.Building and Environment, 2015, 92: 418-431.

[20] Boqiang Lin,Hongxun Liu. A study on the energy rebound effect of China’s residential building energy efficiency.Energy and Buildings, 2015, 86: 608-618.

[21] Boqiang Lin,Hongxun Liu. China’s building energy efficiency and urbanization.Energy and Buildings, 2015, 86: 356-365.




[1] 2018.08,入选普林斯顿大学“科学、技术与环境政策项目(program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy, STEP)”,获“马化腾科学基金”资助。

[2] 2017.05,入选“国际清洁能源拔尖创新人才培养项目(the international Clean Energy Talent Program, iCET)”,获国家留学基金委资助。

[3] 2017-2020,主持国家社会科学基金青年项目“新常态下全国碳排放权交易体系建设路径与风险防控研究”。

[4] 2017-2020,主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目“雾霾治理约束下的中国煤炭替代路径研究”。

[5] 2016-2020,主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助)“中国环境治理约束下的产业转移与电力调配”。



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