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李 铮

发布时间:2019-06-05 点击: 分享到:


 李   铮    教  授


 工作地点: 经金配楼 204#


 邮    箱: Email1: [email protected]   

            Email2: [email protected]


until July 2019

Web of Science Core Collection h-index: 14; Total times cited: 569;

JCR Q1: 14; JCR Q2: 10;

Google Scholar h-index: 16; i-10 index: 21; Total times cited: 1167;

ResearchGate Interest:  435.6;







The University of Sydney




Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The University of Sydney




Master of Philosophy (MPhil)





The University of Sydney


Logistics Management






Monash University


Human Resource Management






Beihang University







悉尼大学商学院荣誉教授: //business.sydney.edu.au/staff/zheng.li

Member of Beta Gamma Sigma, a business honor society associated with AACSB International

Member of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research

Member of Volvo Educational and Research Foundation Centre of Excellence in Bus Rapid Transit






A.1 Li Z 2018 Unobserved and observed heterogeneity in risk attitudes: Implications for valuing travel time savings and travel time variability, Transportation Research E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol.112, pp. 12-18. 【SSCI&SCIE, JCR Q1

A.2  Li Z 2018 The Impact of Metro Accessibility on Residential Property Values: An Empirical Analysis, Research in Transportation Economics, 70, 52-56. SSCI, JCR Q3

A.3 Li Z, Hensher DA and Chinh H 2018 An Empirical Investigation of Values of Travel Time Savings from Stated Preference Data and Revealed Preference Data. //doi.org/10.1080/19427867.2018.1546806SSCI, JCR Q4

A.4 Li Z and Hensher DA 2013 Behavioural implications of preferences, risk attitudes and beliefs in modelling risky travel choice with travel time variability, Transportation, vol.40:3, pp. 505-523. 【SSCI &SCI , JCR Q1

A.5  Li Z and Hensher DA 2012 ‘Accommodating Risk Attitudes in Freight Transport Behaviour Research’, Transport Reviews, vol.32:2, pp.221-239. 【SSCI, JCR Q1

A.6 Li Z, Tirachini A and Hensher DA 2012 ‘Embedding risk attitudes in a scheduling model: Application to the study of commuting departure time’, Transportation Science, vol.46:2, pp. 170-188. 【SSCI &SCI, JCR Q1

A.7 Hensher DA and Li Z 2013 ‘Referendum voting in road pricing reform’, Transport Policy, vol.25: January, pp. 186-197. 【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.8 Hensher DA, Rose JM, Leung W, Tirachini A and Li Z 2013 Choosing Public Transport—Incorporating Richer Behavioural Elements in Modal Choice Models, Transport Review, vol.33:1, pp. 92-106. 【SSCI, JCR Q1

A.9 Hensher DA, Li Z and Rose JM 2013 ‘Accommodating risk in the valuation of expected travel time savings’, Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol.47, pp.206-224. 【SCIE, JCR Q2

A.10  Hensher DA and Li Z 2012 ‘Ridership Drivers of Bus Rapid Transit Systems’, Transportation, vol.39:6, pp. 1209-1221. 【SSCI &SCI, JCR Q1

A.11 Hensher DA, Rose JM and Li Z 2012 ‘Does the Choice Model Method and/or the Data Matter’, Transportation, vol.39:2, pp.351-385. 【SSCI &SCI, JCR Q1

A.12  Li Z and Hensher DA 2011 ‘Prospect theoretic contributions in understanding traveller behaviour: a Review and some comments’, Transport Reviews, vol. 31:1, 97-115. 【SSCI, JCR Q1

A.13 Li Z and Hensher DA 2010 ‘Toll roads in Australia: an overview of characteristics and accuracy of demand forecasts’, Transport Reviews, vol.30:5, pp.541-569.【SSCI, JCR Q1

A.14 Bain S, Hensher DA and Li Z 2011 ‘R-Tresis: Developing a transport model system for regional New South Wales’, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 19:4, pp. 615-622. 【SSCI, JCR Q1

A.15 Hensher DA, Greene WH and Li Z 2011 ‘Embedding risk attitude and decision weights in non-linear logit to accommodate time variability in the value of expected travel time savings’, Transportation Research Part B, vol.45:7, pp. 954-972. 【SSCI &SCI, JCR Q1

A.16 Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2010 Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new empirical evidence’, Transportation Research E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol.46:3, pp. 384-403. 【SSCI&SCIE, JCR Q1

A.17 Li Z, Rose J M and Hensher DA 2010 ‘Forecasting automobile petrol demand in Australia: An evaluation of empirical models’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol.44:1, pp.16-38.  【SSCI &SCI, JCR Q1

A.18 Li Z and Hensher DA 2011 ‘Crowding and public transport: A review of willingness to pay evidence and its relevance in project appraisal’, Transport Policy, vol.18:6, pp. 880-887. 【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.19 Hensher DA and Li Z 2012 ‘Valuing travel time variability within a Rank-Dependent Utility framework and an investigation of unobserved taste heterogeneity’, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, vol.46:2, pp. 293-312.【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.20 Li Z and Hensher DA 2012 ‘Estimating values of travel time savings for toll roads: Avoiding a common error’, Transport Policy, vol.24:November, pp. 60-66. 【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.21 Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2013 ‘Accommodating perceptual conditioning in the valuation of expected travel time savings for cars and public transport’, Research in Transportation Economics, vol.39:1, pp. 270-276. 【SSCI, JCR Q3

A.22 Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2011 ‘Identifying sources of systematic variation in direct price elasticities from revealed preference studies of inter-city freight demand’, Transport Policy, vol.18:5, pp. 727–734. 【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.23 Li Z and Hensher DA 2009 ‘The ageing transport workforce',Road & Transport Research, vol.18:2, pp. 55-56. 【SSCI, JCR Q4

A.24  Li Z and Hensher DA 2009 'Road freight demand in Australia: key drivers and forecasts',Road & Transport Research, vol.18:2, pp. 15-26. 【SSCI, JCR Q4

A.25  Li Z, Rose J M and Hensher DA 2010 ‘Forecasting petrol demand and assessing the impact of selective strategies to reduce fuel consumption’, Transportation Planning and Technology, vol. 33:5, pp.407-422. 【SCIE, JCR Q3

A.26 Hensher DA and Li Z 2014 'A scoping inquiry into the potential contribution of Subjective Probability Theory, Dempster-Shafer Theory and Possibility Theory in accommodating degrees of belief in traveller behaviour research', Travel Behaviour and Society, vol.1:2, pp. 45-56. SSCI, JCR Q2

A.27 Hensher, DA, Li Z and Mulley C 2014 ‘Drivers of bus rapid transit systems – Influences on patronage and service frequency’, Research in Transportation Economics, vol.48, pp. 159-165. 【SSCI, JCR Q3

A.28 Li Z and Hensher 2012 DA ‘Congestion Charging and Car Use: A Review of Stated Preference and Opinion Studies and Market Monitoring Evidence’, Transport Policy, vol. 20:1, pp. 47-61. 【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.29 Apelbaum J, Li Z and Hensher DA 2011 ‘A Correction Framework for Improving the Robustness of Motor Vehicle Registration Data: An Australian Application’, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol.16:7, pp. 562-570. 【SSCI, JCR Q1

A.30 Hensher DA and Li Z 2010 ‘Accounting for differences in modelled estimates of RP, SP and RP/SP petrol price elasticities: A warning’, Transport Policy, vol.17:3, pp. 161-165. 【SSCI, JCR Q2

A.31Li Z and Hensher DA 2013 ‘Crowding in public transport: A review of objective and subjective Measures’, Journal of Public Transportation, vol.16:2, 107-134. 【SSCI, JCR Q4

A.32 Hensher DA, Jou RC, Rose JM, Li Z and Huang, GL 2011 ‘A comparative investigation of the effects of the design dimensions of choice experiments on car commuters’ route choice behaviour and valuation of time in Taiwan and Australia’, International Journal of Transport Economics, vol.38:2, pp. 145-70. 【SSCI, JCR Q4

A.33 Hensher DA, Li Z and Ho C 2015 'The Role of Source Preference and Subjective Probability in Valuing Expected Travel Time Savings', Travel Behaviour and Society, vol. 2:1, pp. 42-54. 【SSCI, JCR Q2】

A.34 Li Z, Wang Y and Chen Q (2017) Real-Time Monitoring of Intercity Passenger Flows Based on Big Data: A Decision Support Tool for Urban Sustainability, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 8(4), 120-128. 【INSPEC】

A.35  Li Z (2017) Uncertainty Aversion and Its Role in Travel Decision Making Under Uncertainty, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 8(1), 1-12. 【INSPEC】

A.36 Hensher DA, Li Z and Mulley C 2012 ‘The impact of high speed rail on land values: A review of market monitoring evidence from eight countries’, Road and Transport Research, vol.21:4, pp. 3-14. 【SSCI, JCR Q4



B.1 Herrere, J C, Hensher, DA, Mulley, C, Li, Z, and Lindau, T. 2016 Assessing corridor performance on BRT projects worldwide, in Restructuring Public Transport through Bus Rapid Transit, edited by Juan Carlos Muñoz and Laurel Paget Seekins, Policy Press, Chapter 16.

B.2 Hensher DA and Li Z 2015 'Urban freight: freight strategy, transport movements and the urban spatial economy' in An International Handbook on Transport and Development, ed. Robin Hickman, David Bonilla, Moshe Givoni, and David Banister, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, Chapter 18.

B.3 Hensher DA, Mulley C and Li Z 2014 'High quality public transport: gaining acceptance of bus rapid transit systems' in Handbook of Sustainable Travel: People, Society and Transportation Systems, ed. T. Garling, D. Ettema and M. Friman, Springer, Berlin, German. Chapter 17.

B.4 Collins A, Hensher DA and Li Z 2010 'Regional airports and opportunities for low-cost carriers in Australia' in Development of Regional Airports: Theoretical Analyses and Case Studies, ed. M.N. Postorino, WIT Press, Southampton, United Kingdom, Chapter 7.

B.5 Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2012 'Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: a review and some new empirical evidence' in Transport Economics: Critical Concepts in Economics (Volume 2), ed. David A. Hensher, Routledge, Oxford, United Kingdom, Chapter 26.



C.1  Li Z 2018 Risky travel choice behaviour: Attitude towards risk and willingness to pay, 2nd Star Ocean International Forum for Young Scholars, Dalian, April 24-27.

C.2  Hensher, DA, Li Z and Mulley C 2013 Drivers of Bus Rapid Transit systems – Influences on ridership and service frequency, 13th International Conference on Competition and Ownership of Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 13), Oxford, September15-19.

C.3 Hensher DA, Li Z, Leung W and Rose JM 2012 Choosing Public Transport – Some Behavioural Challenges, 12th International Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport, Santiago, Chile, July 23-27.

C.4 Li Z and Hensher DA 2012 Behavioural implications of preferences, risk attitudes and beliefs in modelling risky travel choice with travel time variability, 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), Toronto, July 15-19.

C.5  Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2011 ‘Accommodating Perceptual Conditioning in the Valuation of Expected Travel Time Savings for Cars and Public Transport’, presented at the 12th International Conference on Competition and Ownership of Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 12), Durban, South Africa , September 11-15.

C.6  Li Z, Tirachini A and Hensher DA 2010 ‘Embedding risk attitudes in a scheduling model: Application to the study of commuting departure time’, presented at the 4th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability, Minneapolis, USA, July 22-23, 2010.

C.7 Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2009 'Valuation of travel time reliability in an Extended Expected Utility Theory framework',12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research IATBR 2009, Jaipur, India, 14-18 November.

C.8 Bain S, Hensher DA and Li Z 2009 ‘R-TRESIS: A multimodal regional transport model for New South Wales’, 12th Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour ResearchIATBR 2009, Jaipur, India, 14-18 November.

C.9  Li Z, Rose JM and Hensher DA 2009 ‘Petrol consumption and emissions from automobiles – Can policies make a difference?’  88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting TRB 2009, Washington D.C., USA, 11-15 January.

C.10 Li Z 2007 ‘Modelling and forecasting the demand for automobile petrol in Australia, and its policy implications’, 29th Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research, Adelaide, Australia, 5-7 December.



Volvo Educational and Research Foundation Centre of Excellence in Bus Rapid Transit

Valuation of service reliability and crowding under risk and uncertainty: neglected drivers of demand for public transport

Investigating travel time variability within a prospect theoretic framework

Measuring and valuing trip time variability

Investigation of tollroad characteristics and accuracy of demand forecasts

R-Tresis:  Developing a demand and supply modelling capability for an integrated transport and land use model system for regional new south wales

The impact of high speed rail on land and property values





悉尼大学商学院博士全奖奖学金 (Au$30,000/year plus tuition fees covered by Australian Government)



Australian Financial Review, ‘Blown-up traffic estimates take their toll’

Euronews, ‘Are we doing enough to ensure a rapid and smooth transition to carbon neutral transport systems this century?’

Sydney Morning Herald, ‘Bus system heading for a crash’

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