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江 河

发布时间:2023-12-20 点击: 分享到:



  江   河      教 授 博士生导师


  工作地点:   东配楼 205


  邮   箱:   [email protected]




2012.08-2015.05(美国)佛罗里达州立大学 博士

2009.9-2012.06 兰州大学数学与统计学院 硕士

2005.09-2009.06 兰州大学数学与统计学院 学士


2023.12-至今 赌博平台-线上赌博平台-正规赌博平台 教授




1.He Jiang*.Forecasting global solar radiation using a robust regularization approach with mixture kernels.Journal of Forecasting, 2023, 42(8),1989-2010.(通讯作者)(FMS C类, ABS二星).

2.He Jiang*.Robust forecasting in spatial autoregressive model with total variation regularization.Journal of Forecasting, 2023, 43(2), 195-211. (FMS C类, ABS二星)..      

3.He Jiang, Weiqiang Hu*, Ling Xiao, Yao Dong, A decomposition ensemble based deep learning approach for crude oil price forecasting,Resources Policy,78,2022, 102855. (FMS C类, ABS二星).

4.He Jiang*. A novel robust structural quadratic forecasting model and applications.Journal of Forecasting, 2022, 41(6),1156-1180. (FMS C类, ABS二星).

5.He Jiang, Weihua Zheng*, Deep learning with regularized robust long and short-term memory network for probabilistic short-term load forecasting.Journal of Forecasting, 2022, 41(6),1047-1313. (FMS C类, ABS二星).

6.He Jiang*, Weihua Zheng, Yao Dong. Sparse and robust estimation with ridge minimax concave penalty.Information Sciences,2021;571: 154-174(通讯作者)(FMS B类,CCF B类,JCR Q1,top期刊).

7.He Jiang,Changqi Tao*, Yao Dong, Ren Xiong. Robust Low-rank Multiple Kernel Learning with Compound Regularization.European Journal of Operational Research,2021;295(2),634-647.(FMS A类,ABS四星,管理学top期刊).

8.He Jiang, Shihua Luo*, Yao Dong. Simultaneous feature selection and clustering based on square root optimization.European Journal of Operational Research, 2021; 289(1): 214-231. (FMS A类,ABS四星,管理学top期刊).

9. Yiyuan She*, Zhifeng Wang,He Jiang. Group regularized estimation under structural hierarchy.Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA). 2018; 113 (521); 445-454. (FMS A类,统计学top期刊, IF:2.123)

10. He Jiang, Weihua Zheng*, Liangqing Luo, Yao Dong, A two-stage minimax concave penalty based method in pruned Adaboost ensemble.Applied Soft Computing2019; 83: 105674;

11.He Jiang*, Yao Dong, Structural regularization in quadratic logistic regression model.Knowledge-Based Systems2019; 163: 842-857.(通讯作者). (FMS C类,JCR Q1, IF: 5.101)

12.He Jiang, Sparse estimation based on square root nonconvex optimization in high dimensional data.Neurocomputing2018;282: 122-135.

13. He Jiang, Model forecasting based on two-stage feature selection procedure using orthogonal greedy algorithm.Applied Soft Computing2018; 63: 110-123.

14.He Jiang*, Yao Dong; Dimension reduction based on a penalized kernel support vector machine model.Knowledge-Based Systems2017; 138:79-90(通讯作者). (FMS C类,JCR Q1, IF: 8.139)

15.He Jiang, A novel approach for forecasting global horizontal irradiance based on sparse quadratic RBF neural network.Energy Conversion and Management2017;152:266-280.

16.He Jiang, Yao Dong*, Forecast of hourly global horizontal irradiance based on Structured Kernel Support Vector Machine: A case study of Tibet area in China.Energy Conversion and Management2017;142:307-321.

17.He Jiang, Yao Dong*, Global horizontal radiation forecast using forward regression on a quadratic kernel support vector machine: Case study of the Tibet Autonomous Region in China.Energy2017;133:270-283.

18.He Jiang, Yao Dong*, Ling Xiao. A multi-stage intelligent approach based on an ensemble of two-way Interaction Model for forecasting the global horizontal radiation of India.Energy Conversion and Management2017;137:142-154.

19.He Jiang, Yao Dong*. A nonlinear support vector machine model with hard penalty function based on glowworm swarm optimization for forecasting daily global solar radiation.Energy Conversion and Management2016;126:991-1002.

20.He Jiang, Jianzhou Wang*, Yao Dong, Haiyan Lu. Comprehensive assessment of wind resources and low-carbon economy policies: An empirical study in Alxa and Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia, China.Renewable & Sustainable EnergyReviews2015;50:1304-1319.

21.He Jiang, Yao Dong, Jianzhou Wang, Quqin Li. Haiyan Lu. Intelligent optimization models based on hard-ridge penalty and RBF for forecasting global solar radiation.Energy Conversion and Management2015;95:42-58.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,72371196,适应电力负荷特征挖掘的稳健概率预测与多维度评价体系研究,41万元,2024/01-2027/12,在研.

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71901109,基于时空相关性的光伏功率稳健概率预测与评价体系研究,19万元,2020/01-2022/12,已结题.

3. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,71861012,光伏并网发电系统中的短期功率预测与储能容量优化配置研究,29万元,2019/01-2022/12,已结题.

4. 江西省“双千计划”科技创新高端人才项目,基于不确定性特征挖掘的光伏功率在线概率预测研究,100万元,2020/01-2022/12,已结题.

5. 江西省杰出青年基金项目,20212ACB211003,适应光伏功率不确定性的在线概率预测研究,20万元,2021/01-2023/12,已结题.

6. 第11批中国博士后特别资助,2018T110654,基于特征选取的短期光伏功率预测与储能容量优化研究,15万元,2019/01-2020/12,已结题.

7. 第62批中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助,2017M620277,适应复杂天气的光伏发电短期功率预测研究,8万元,2018/01-2019/12,已结题.



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担任Journal of the American Statistics Association (JASA), Statistica Sinica, European Journal of Operational Research, Energy Economics,系统工程理论与实践,Computers and Electronics Agriculture, Information Sciences, Measurement the Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,Neurcomputing, Energy , Energy conversion and management, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Journal of forecasting, Journal of cleaner production, Knowledge based Systems, Resources Policy, Expert system with application等期刊的审稿人

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