<BR> 学术报告:The development of eCommerce in EU<BR> <BR> 演 讲 人:Jukka Heikkil? (Prof.)<BR>&nsp; 报告时间:2006年12月5日19:00-21:00<BR> 报告地点:教学楼八楼报告厅<BR>简介:<BR> Jukka Heikkil?, professor of Electronic Commerce at the University of Jyv?skyl?, docent of Innovative Technologies at Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, and docent of Information Systems at the University of Turku. <BR> He is the dean of the Faculty of Information Technology of Jyv?skyl? University. He is also a founding member and chair of Information Systems Special Interest Group of the Finnish Society of Computer Science.<BR> His current research focuses on the problem of adopting and implementing innovative<BR>technologies to support businesses, and their consequences on organizations. A topical theme is to<BR>find out, how to design and handle distributed ICT-enabled activities over a network of companies. <BR> He has run numerous research and consultancy projects in co-operation with other European <BR>universities and industry in the field of e- and mobile business.<BR>