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International Conference on Industrial Economics and Trade

发布时间:2021-06-24 点击: 分享到:

International Conference on Industrial Economics and Trade

Symposium Agenda

26th June 2021

Symposium organizers

Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association

School of Economics and Finance Xian Jiaotong University


Program Summary /4

Sessions and Presentations /5

For all inquiries on session arrangement, please contact

Dr Xinxin Ma, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Email:[email protected]

Mobile/WeChat: 18363033996

Please download the video software “Zoom” before conference, via://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting

Symposium Program Summary



Cloud Conference (Zoom: ID: 831 4185 0904; password: 2021626)

AM 08:50-09:00 [GMT+8]


Chair: Prof. Jun Wen (Xi’an Jiaotong University)


Opening speech

Prof. Zao Sun, (Xi’an Jiaotong University)

Keynote Speeches in the morning:

Prof. Narayan, Paresh (Monash University)

Prof. Yong, Wang (Peking University)

Prof. Xiuyun Yang (Xi'an Jiaotong University)


Keynote Speech in the afternoon (to conclude the conference):

Prof. Mallick, Sushanta (Queen Mary University of London)(Zoom: ID: 862 6635 3937; password: 2021626)

Co-chair: Dr. Xinxin Ma Xi’an Jiaotong University

Session 1: Economics


Session 2: Finance


Session 3: Digital Economics


End of Symposium

Session and Presentation

Session 1: Saturday, June 26: 14:00-17:00

Session 1 (Zoom: ID: 854 3681 5966; password: 2021626)


Chair: Dr. Yezhou Sha,Capital University of Economics and Business,

Discussant: Dr. Xiaoyong Dai

Economic Policy Uncertainty and Individual Borrowing Access: Evidence from Online Credit Market

Presenter:Jie Li,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Culture differences and bilateral trade in manufacturing, the empirical analysis based on OECD membership data

Presenter:Yangzi Li,Xi’an Jiaotong University

Learning by Consuming: Human Capital Consumption as an Approach to Compensating Economic Efficiency

Presenter: Zhaochen Li,Tsinghua University

Stochastic general equilibrium model to study wealth inequality

Presenter:Zhixin Wang,Xi’an Jiaotong University

Does China’s Outward FDI Boost the Economic Growth of Host Countries?

Presenter:Yalin Yang,University of International Business and Economics


1.Working language of the Symposium isEnglish.

2. All the participants are suggested to join the meetingviato the event.

3. Each presenter has20 minutesin presentation and each discussant has6 minutesin discussionwith slides. 4 minutes Q&A

4. Alternation of presenter, discussant, sequence of presenting must get consent from the session chair and inform the symposium coordinator Dr. Xinxin Ma for approval AT EARLIEST CONVENIENCE.

Session 2: Saturday, June 26: 14:00-17:00

Session 2 (Zoom: ID: 864 9568 9905; password: 2021626)


Chair: Dr. Xuan Zhang, Nanjing Audit University,

Discussant: Dr. Xiaohui Hou, Xi’an Jiaotong University

The relationship between intrinsic value, business cycle and stock price on the Chinese stock market

Presenter: Xinxin Ma,Xi’an Jiaotong University

The impact of COVID-19 on stock market returns of the Asia-Pacific region

Presenter:Xuefeng Qu,The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

Housing Boom and the Cost of Bank Loans to Firms: Evidence from China

Presenter:Quanyun Song,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

The Impact of Internet Use on Chinese Household’s Demand for Commercial Insurance——An Empirical Study Based on CFPS

Presenter:Xiaoquan Wang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Impact of COVID-19 on the Institutional Investors’ Trading Behavior

Presenter:Jinhua Zhang,Zhejiang University of Technology

Exchange Rate Forecasting by Using LSTM-a Subsystem of Robo-Advisor

Presenter: Xiangyu Zong,University of Glasgow


1.Working language of the Symposium isEnglish.

2. All the participants are suggested to join the meetingviato the event.

3. Each presenter has20 minutesin presentation and each discussant has6 minutesin discussionwith slides. 4 minutes Q&A

4. Alternation of presenter, discussant, sequence of presenting must get consent from the session chair and inform the symposium coordinator Dr. Xinxin Ma for approval AT EARLIEST CONVENIENCE.

Session 3: Saturday, June 26: 14:00-17:00

Session 3 (Zoom: ID: 868 1246 5175; password: 2021626)

Digital Economics

Chair: Dr .Ying Lin,Xi’an Jiaotong University,

Discussant: Dr. Pengcheng Song

Big Data and Modern Governance Capability: Evidence from China

Presenter: Kun Bao, Beijing Jiaotong University

How Digital Economy Affects Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vitality: Evidence from Chinese Cities

Presenter:Min Li,Xi’an Jiaotong University

Research on Technology Innovation Efficiency of Big Data Enterprises Based on Two-stage DEA

Presenter:Chang Liu, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Interaction between ecosystem service buyers and providers in inter-regional eco compensation: Combination of telecoupling and stable matching

Presenter:Hanyu Shi, Xi’an University of Technology

Digital finance and corporate innovation

Presenter:Ping Zhang,Capital University of Economics and Business


1.Working language of the Symposium isEnglish.

2. All the participants are suggested to join the meetingviato the event.

3. Each presenter has20 minutesin presentation and each discussant has6 minutesin discussionwith slides. 4 minutes Q&A

4. Alternation of presenter, discussant, sequence of presenting must get consent from the session chair and inform the symposium coordinator Dr. Xinxin Ma for approval AT EARLIEST CONVENIENCE.





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