<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> 题 目:Ownership structure and the relation between CEO incentive compensation and performance<BR> <BR> 报告人:杨帆<BR> <BR> &nbs; Yang Fan, Associate Professor of Finance, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan,Education: Ph.D. in Finance, 2004, University of Alberta.working experience: 2004 to current, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan. research interest: Corporate Finance, Corporate governance, international finance<BR> 时 间:2011年6月2日16时<BR> 地 点:交大西校区教学楼8楼学术报告厅<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>院科研办<BR>2011.6.1<BR> <BR>