<BR> 应赌博平台
作重要<BR>的学术报告,欢迎各位同学踊跃参加。<BR> <BR>题目: Online Price Dispersion<BR>报告人:巴素琳 副教授<BR> 美国Connecticut大学<BR>时间: 2008年6月23日(星期一)上午10:00-12:00<BR>地点: 交大财经校区教学主八楼会议厅<BR>报告人简介: Sulin Ba is an associate professor of Information Systems at the School of Business at the University of Connecticut. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Her current research interests include the design of trust building intermediaries, the effective provision of e-service, and the design of internal electronic markets for knowledge sharing. Her work on the institutional setup to help small businesses survive and grow in the digital economy has been used as the basis for testimony before the Congressional House Committee on Small Business. She has published in Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Production and Operations Management, Decision Support Systems, and other academic journals. She is also a recipient of the Year 2000 MIS Quarterly Best Paper Award. She is a senior editor for Production and Operations Management and associate editor for MIS Quarterly. She currently also serves on the editorial board of Decision Support Systems and International Journal of Electronic Commerce.<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> 院科研教学部<BR> <BR> 2008.6.20<BR>