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 School of Economics and Finance has been awa...

2012年08月28日 00:00  点击:[]

On August 22, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences released 2012’s major National Social Science Fund Project (the second batch), our school has 3 projects approved: respectively Professor Feng Zongxian’s “Research on Orderly Industrial Transfer and Regional Coordinated Development based on Carbon Emission Reduction”, Professor Li Fuyou’s “Research on Risk Prevention the Folk Capital Supply and Health Development”, and Professor Li Guoping’s “Research on Perfecting Ecological Compensation Mechanism”. Xi'an Jiaotong University’s project number is the fourth in line with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (3), following Renmin University of China (5), Jilin University (5), and Fudan University (4). What’s more, these are the only three projects funded in Shaanxi province. So far, Xi'an Jiaotong University has won 7 National Social Science Fund Projects.

The Major National Social Science Fund Project is currently the highest level, the most powerful authority, and largest research fund in China's philosophy and social science research field. In 2012, The Major National Social Science Fund Project totally has 70 research direction and receives 585 projects. Finally, 64 projects are approved.

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