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 Prof. Feng Genfu, school dean, visited HSBC ...

2012年05月24日 00:00  点击:[]

   Not long ago, school dean Prof. Feng Genfu visited HSBC Business School of Peking University. Mr. Feng communicated with Hai Wen, vice president of Peking University, dean of Shenzhen Graduate School and HSBC Business School, and Zhang Huacheng, vice dean of HSBC Business School on school running experiences.

   Visiting group includes Prof. Feng Genfu, Dr. Guan Lihua vice dean of Shenzhen Graduate School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, researcher Wu Junhua, vice dean of Zuzhou Graduate School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shen Dayong, deputy director of China Venture Capital Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Mr. Zhang Jianfu, assistant dean of Zuzhou Graduate School of Xi’an Jiaotong University. Prof. Cen Wei of HSBC Business School accompanied the visit.

   Vice dean Zhang Huacheng first comprehensively introduced HSBC Business School’s history, current station, and school-running ideas. Later, he communicated with other professors about admission process, personnel training, teaching system, and international school characteristics.

   After that, vice president Hai Wen warmly received the professors from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Vice president Hai Wen introduced Shenzhen Graduate School’s history, departments, and valuable experiences of running school in other places.

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