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Announcement for International Students’ Thesis Proposal & Midterm Review

2020年11月05日 09:20  点击:[]

Announcement for International Students’ Thesis Proposal & Midterm Review

International Master’s students enrolled in 2019 need to prepare your thesis proposal. You should have your academic transcript form current degree, research/publication progress, the filled “seminar attendance list”, your supervisor signed “Report on the Opening of Thesis”, your comprehensive performance self-evaluation, other supplementary materials if necessary, and your PowerPoint presentation.

The midterm review consists of three parts – introduction statement, answering teachers’ questions, and committee review. Master students have 10 minutes, and doctoral students have 20 minutes.

The specifics are listed in following:

Nov 24 (Tuesday), 2020

4:00--5:30 pm (Beijing time)

8001# Main building, Harbor Campus

Offline (if you're in town)

Online (if you're outside China)


上一条:关于博士研究生办理延期申请的通知 下一条:赌博平台 博士生资格考核实施细则


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