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2024年05月09日 17:51  点击:[]


报告题目:Boon or bane having overconfident founder-CEOs for firm performance? The role of firm dynamic capability and performance risk






Stephen Zhang is a professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at the University of Adelaide. He studies how entrepreneurs and top management teams behave under uncertainties. Stephen has published articles in top journals in entrepreneurship (e.g. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice), management (e.g. Academy of Management Journal) as well as COVID-19 research in health journals. His work has been featured in major media outlets (e.g., Yahoo; MSN; HuffPost; the Age; Sydney Morning Herald). Stephen has worked previously in University of Sydney, Catholic University of Chile, and National University of Singapore. Before embarking on his academic path, he gained practical experience as an entrepreneur and worked across various sectors, including engineering, management consultancy, market research, and innovation management. This blend of academic and real-world experience uniquely positions Stephen to provide valuable, grounded insights into entrepreneurship in terms of both research and practice.


A fundamental tension arises in the literature on biases in entrepreneurs and upper echelons in terms of the mixed theorizing and conflicting evidence on implications of overconfidence on firm performance. We help resolve the tension by conducting a multi-wave multi-informant study of SMEs in Malaysia. The results reveal that the relationship between founder-CEO overconfidence and firm performance is through CEO performance risk and contingent upon firm dynamic capability. The research carries implications for research on bias in entrepreneurship and upper echelons literature, showing the benefits of taking a leader-organization fit perspective.





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