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Saiying Deng博士学术讲座

2016年06月13日 17:43  点击:[]

题  目:CEO Turnover, Information Uncertainty, and Debt Contracting

讲座人:Saiying Deng  博士

Southern Illinois University, USA

 时  间:2016年6月16日下午3:00

地  点:西交大财经校区教学楼8楼学术报告厅

附Saiying Deng博士简历:

Associate Professor

Department of Finance

College of Business                                                                              Phone: 618-453-1418

Southern Illinois University                                                                  Fax: 618-453-5626

Carbondale, IL 62901                                                                            Email: [email protected]


   Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

   Ph.D. in Finance, August 2005 

   Xi’an Jiaotong University (formerly Shaanxi Institute of Finance & Economics), China

   M.A. in Finance, July 1998                             

   Xi’an Jiaotong University (formerly Shaanxi Institute of Finance & Economics), China

   B.A. in Information Management, July 1995                            


   Associate Professor of Finance, Southern Illinois University, 2016-. 

   Assistant Professor of Finance, Southern Illinois University, 2009-2015. 

   Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2005-2008.


   Instructor of Finance, Temple University, 2002 – 2004. 


Financial Institutions, Corporate Finance, and Debt Contracting. 


Summer Faculty Research Grant, Southern Illinois University, College of Business, 2015 and 2014.

Best Paper (Semifinalist), Financial Management Association, 2014.

Outstanding Researcher of the Year, Southern Illinois University, College of Business, 2014.

Honorable Mention for the 2013 Best Paper Award at Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.

   Faculty Seed Grant, Southern Illinois University, 2012. 

   Best Paper (Semifinalist), European Financial Management Association, 2011. 

   Best Paper in Risk Management (Semifinalist), Financial Management Association, 2010.

   Pontikes Center Summer Research Grant, Southern Illinois University, 2011.

   Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, Southern Illinois University, 2009. 

   Chancellor's Faculty Small Research Grant, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2005-2008.


   Participant of Financial Management Association 2004 Doctoral Student Consortium. 


Deng, S., and D. Rakowski, 2015. Geography and Local (Dis)advantage: Evidence from Muni Bond Funds. The Quarterly Journal of Finance, forthcoming.  

Chen, L. H., S. Deng, P. Gupta, and H. Sami, 2014. The SEC’s Elimination of 20-F Reconciliation and Information Asymmetry. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 11, 75-87.

Deng, S., R. Willis, and X. Li, 2014. Shareholder Litigation, Reputational Loss, and Bank Loan Contracting.  Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 49 (4), 1101-1132. 

Bell, G., and S. Deng, 2013. Beyond clusters: How Regional Geographic Signature Affects Firm Value and Risk.  The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 30, 71-85 (lead article).

   ¨Honorable Mention for the 2013 Best Paper Award at Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.

Deng, S., E. Elyasiani, and J. Jia, 2013. Institutional Ownership, Diversification and Riskiness of Bank Holding Companies. The Financial Review 48 (3), 385-415.  

Deng, S., and E. Elyasiani, 2008. Geographic Diversification, Bank Holding Company Value and Risk. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 40 (6), 1217-1238. 

Deng, S., E. Elyasiani, and C. Mao, 2007. Diversification and the Cost of  Debt of Bank Holding Companies. Journal of Banking and Finance 31, 2453-2473. 





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