英国利兹大学Kevin Keasey教授和Charlie Cai博士
应我校会计与财务系主任田高良副教授的邀请,12月11日,英国利兹大学国际银行与金融研究中心主任Kevin Keasey教授和Charlie Cai博士将来赌博平台
附件二:Kevin Keasey教授和蔡晓武博士的简介和研究方向
Prof. Kevin Keasey
On Chairmanship (具体题目待定)
Dr. Charlie Cai
Corporate Governance and Information Disclosure
Prof. Kevin Keasey
Kevin Keasey is Professor of Financial Services, Director of the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services and Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Finance, Leeds University Business School, The University of Leeds. He obtained his first chair at the age of 33 and was previously Reader in Finance and Accounting at The University of Warwick. Professor Keasey is an author of 10 books, monographs and edited volumes on behavioural finance, small firm finance and financial markets, and corporate governance, financial regulation and financial services, and is the author of over 85 refereed articles in leading international journals and a range of other publications. His research covers a range of methodologies from the empirical to the experimental and in his chosen areas of specialism, he has received international recognition. In addition, he is the joint editor of a series of edited volumes by leading international authors on specific themes within the corporate governance literature and is an editor, deputy editor and on the editorial board of a number of academic journals. He has directed a number of research projects for funding bodies such as the ESRC, ICAEW, CIMA, the Nuffield Foundation, etc.
[email protected]Telephone: +44 (0)113 343 2618
Location: 2.16
Division: Accounting and Finance
Position: Halifax Bank Chair in Financial Services
Director of the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services.
PhD (Econ), The University of Newcastle upon Tyne
MA (Econ) Public and Industrial Economics, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne
BA (Econ) Upper Second Class Honours, The University of Durham
Kevin Keasey is Professor of Financial Services and the Director of the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services, Leeds University Business School, the University of Leeds. His previous senior posts include Professor of Finance and Accounting at the University of Leeds and Reader in Finance and Accounting at the University of Warwick. He has established and developed the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services with substantial sponsorship from BT, Halifax plc, Unisys and Wang Global. He is a member of the editorial boards of Accounting and Business Research, and the Journal of Regulation and Compliance. He has extensive experience as a non-executive and as a mentor to chief executives. His non-executive positions have included a hi-tech holding company, a fast growth care company, a venture capital company and a plc in the IT sector. In addition, he is a founder and executive director of Stratica Ltd - a strategy and performance management consultancy that holds contracts with a number of international blue chips; for example, General Motors, British Airways, BP, etc. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Institute of Directors.
Research Interests
Professor Keasey specialises in all aspects of finance and financial markets, accounting, strategy and organisational design, corporate governance and firm enterprise. He has directed a number of research projects for funding bodies such as the ESRC, ICAEW, CIMA, the Nuffield Foundation, etc..
Professor Keasey taught across a range of his research interests and more general accounting and finance topics in a number of leading institutions including the Stockholm School of Economics and Warwick Business School. He has initiated a range of successful MBA and MA programmes at home and overseas. Professor Keasey is an established teacher of executive programmes and he jointly directed the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Financial Sector Scheme for managers from the former Soviet Union. He played a central role in establishing and developing Leeds University Business School and he has advised overseas governments on the establishment of Business Schools. He is currently involved in a project with the Sloan Business School of MIT and the Maximillain University of Munich that has the objective of exploring the possibilities of establishing a global business campus via the use of the latest net and communication technologies.
Professor Kevin Keasey
Books and Research Monographs
Small Firms
The Performance of Small Firms, Croom-Helm, February 1987, reprinted 1989, (with D Storey, R Watson and P Wynarczyk), 342 pages.
Small Firm Management: Ownership, Finance and Performance, Basil Blackwell, April 1993, (with R Watson), 262 + ix pages.
Managerial Labour Markets in Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Routledge, August 1993, (with H Short, R Watson, P Wynarczyk and D Storey), 267 + xiv pages.
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance: Economic, Management and Financial Issues, Oxford University Press, 1997, (edited with S Thompson and M Wright), 308 + xii pages.
Corporate Governance: Responsibilities, Risks and Remuneration, John Wiley, 1997, (edited with M Wright on behalf of the ICAEW), 176 pages.
Corporate Governance, 4 Volumes, Edward Elgar, 1999, (edited with S Thompson and M Wright), 2400 pages.
Corporate Governance: Accountability, Enterprise and International Comparisons, Oxford University Press, 2003, (edited with S Thompson and M Wright).
Financial Markets and Financial Services
The Intelligent Guide to Stock Market Investment, John Wiley, 1998, reprinted 1999, (with R Hudson and K Littler), 314 pages.
Repeated Financial Decisions, John Wiley, 1999, (with D. Duxbury), 105 pages.
The Future of European Banking: Views from the Top, John Wiley, 2002, (with O. McDonald).
Edited Series on Corporate Governance
Joint editor with S Thompson and M Wright of a series of 10 volumes under the general title of Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy for Edward Elgar. The series will begin in the summer of 2003.
Chapters in Books
'Capital Market Efficiency and the Underpricing of New Issues on the Unlisted Securities Market', (with H Short and R Watson) in J Rowre and S. Birley (Eds), Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in Europe, (1991), IESE, S A.
'The Accounting Burdens Facing Small Firms' (with H Short) in Gale Research (Eds), Discovering Small Business, Detroit, (1994).
'Small Firms and Bank Borrowing in the UK: Issues and Evidence', (with R Watson) in R Buckland, E W Davis and R Harrington (Eds), Finance for Growing Enterprises, Routledge, (1995).
'Theories of Small Firm Financial Contracting and Management, and Immigrant Entrepreneurship', (with R Watson and M Baker) in J Rath (ed), Immigrant Businesses on the Urban Economic Fringe, Macmillan, 2000.
'The Corporate Governance Problem - Competing Diagnoses and Solutions', (with S Thompson and M Wright) in K Keasey, S Thompson and M Wright (eds) Corporate Governance: Economic, Management and Financial Issues, Oxford University Press, 1997.
'Corporate Governance, Accountability and Enterprise', (with M Wright) in K Keasey and M Wright (eds) Corporate Governance: Responsibilities, Risks and Remuneration, John Wiley, 1997.
'Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance in the United Kingdom', (with H Short) in K Keasey, S Thompson and M Wright (eds), Corporate Governance: Economic, Management and Financial Issues, Oxford University Press, 1997.
'Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance', (with H Short) in K Keasey and M Wright (eds) Corporate Governance: Responsibilities, Risks and Remuneration, John Wiley, 1997.
'From Performance Measurement Frameworks to Strategy Formulation Systems' (with P. Aisthorpe, R. Hudson, and K. Littler) in A.D. Neely and D.B. Waggoner, (eds) Performance Measurement - Theory and Practice, vol I, Centre for Business Performance, 1998.
'Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance in the United Kingdom' (with H. Short) in K. Keasey, S. Thompson and M. Wright, (eds) The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics: Corporate Governance, Edward Elgar, 1999.
'The State of the Art of Small Firm Failure Prediction: Achievements and Prognosis' (with R. Watson), in P. Westhead and M Wright (eds), Advances in Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, 1999.
'Financial Distress Prediction' (with R. Watson) in G. Mars and D Weir, (eds), Risk Management, Volume 2, Ashgate Publishing, November, 1999
'Corporate Governance: Accountability versus Enterprise' (with H Short and M Wright) in the Hume Papers on Public Policy, Volume 8, No 1, Corporate Governance and the Reform of Company Law, Edinburgh University Press, 2000.
Refereed Articles
'Regret Theory and Information: A Note', Economic Journal, September 1984.
'The Prediction of Small Company Failure: A Comment', European Journal of Management, April 1985.
'Current Cost Accounting and the Prediction of Small Firm Performance', Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Spring 1986, (with R Watson).
'Deregulation and Privatisation of Local Buses in the UK', International Journal of Transport Economics, June 1986, (with C Mulley).
'The Prediction of Small Company Failure: Some Behaviour Evidence for the UK', Accounting and Business Research, Winter 1986, (with R Watson).
'Non-Financial Symptoms and the Prediction of Small Company Failure: A Test of Argenti's Hypothesis', Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Autumn 1987, (with R Watson).
'The Small Company Audit Qualification: A Preliminary Investigation', Accounting and Business Research, Autumn 1988 (with R Watson and P Wynarczyk).
'The Non-Submission of Accounts and Small Company Failure Prediction', Accounting and Business Research, Winter 1988, (with R Watson).
'Consensus and Accuracy in Accounting Studies of Decision Making: A Note on a New Measure of Consensus', Accounting, Organisations and Society, Summer 1989, (with R Watson).
'The Multi-logit Approach to Predicting Corporate Failure Further Analysis and the Issue Signal Consistency', Omega, December 1989, (with P McGuinness and H Short).
'The Failure of UK Industrial Firms 1976-1984: Logistic Analysis and Entropy Measures', Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Spring 1990, (with P McGuinness).
'A Model of Information System Choice', Accounting and Business Research, Spring 1990, (with I Dobbs).
'The Performance of Small Firms', Internationales Gewerbearchiv, Summer 1990, (with D Storey, R Watson and P Wynarczyk).
'New Firms and the Return to Alternative Sources of Finance', Small Business Economics, Summer, 1990, (with P McGuinness).
'The Accounting Burdens Facing Small Firms: An Empirical Research Note', Accounting and Business Research, Autumn 1990, (with H Short).
'The Use of Computers for Accounting Purposes in Small Firms: An Empirical Investigation Using Logit Analysis', Computer Applications in Business and the Social Sciences, October, 1990, (with H Short).
'Prospectus Earnings Forecasts and the Pricing of New Issues on the Unlisted Securities Market', Accounting and Business Research, Spring, 1991, (with P McGuinness).
'Financial Distress Prediction Models: A Review of their Usefulness', British Journal of Management, July 1991, (with R Watson).
'An Agency Perspective of Auditor Change in Small Firms', Journal of Small Firm Finance, Autumn, 1991, (with R Watson).
'The State of the Art of Small Firm Failure Prediction: Achievements and Prognosis', International Small Business Journal, August, 1991, (with R Watson).
'An Examination of the Accuracy and Bias of Prospectus Earnings Forecasts: UK. Evidence', International Journal of Accounting, Winter 1991, (with P McGuinness).
'An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Signalling in the Valuation of Unseasoned Equity Issues', Accounting and Business Research, Spring, 1992, (with P McGuinness).
'New Issues on the UK. Unlisted Securities Market: The Ability of Entrepreneurs to Signal Firm Value', Small Business Economics, Spring, 1992, (with P McGuinness and H Short).
'The Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings: Some UK. Empirical Evidence', Omega, Spring, 1992, (with H Short).
'Information and Decision Making: A Search for Method and Understanding', Managerial and Decision Economics, Summer, 1992, (with P Moon).
'The Winner's Curse Model of the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings: A Critical Assessment', Accounting and Business Research, Winter, 1992 (with H Short).
'Issues in Corporate Accountability and Governance', Accounting and Business Research, Summer, 1993, (with M Wright).
'Directors' Ownership and the Performance of Small and Medium Sized Firms in the UK.', Small Business Economics, 6, 1994, (with H Short and R Watson).
'The 1986 Insolvency and Company Directors' Disqualification Acts: An Evaluation of their Impact upon Small Firm Financing Decisions', Small Business Economics, 1994, (with R Watson).
'The Remuneration of Non-Owner Managers in Small and Medium-Sized UK Enterprises', Journal of Management Studies, 1994, (with R Watson, H Short, D Storey and P Wynarczyk).
'The Underpricing of Initial Equity Listings: A Conceptual Re-Appraisal', Small Business Economics, 1995, (with P McGuinness).
'The Bank Financing of Small Firms: Issues and Evidence', Small Business Economics, 1994, (with R. Watson).
'Repeated Decisions and Attitudes to Risk', Economic Letters, 1994, (with D Ansic).
'Opportunity Costs for Decision Making: A Teaching Resource to Illustrate the Difficulties of Practice?', Accounting Education, 1995, (with P Moon)
'The Pricing of Small Firm Bank Finance: Evidence from the UK', Applied Economic Letters, 1995, (with R Watson).
'The Bank Financing of Small Unlisted Firms in the UK: An Analysis of Recent Conflicts', Journal of Small Firm Finance, (1995), (with R Watson).
'Gambling with the House Money in Capital Expenditure Decisions: An Experimental Analysis', Economic Letters, (1996), (with P Moon).
'A Note on the Weak Form Efficiency of Capital Markets: The Application of Simple Technical Trading Rules to UK Stock Prices - 1935 to 1994', The Journal of Banking and Finance, (1996), (with R Hudson and M Dempsey)
'Owner-Manager Drawings, Firm Performance and Financial Structure: An Analysis of Small and Closely-held UK Firms', Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, (1996), (with R. Watson).
'The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Managerial Remuneration in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises An Empirical Test of Comparison Income and Equity Theory Hypotheses', Applied Economics, (1996), (with R Watson, P Wynarcyzk, D Storey and H Short).
'Corporate Governance in the Public Services: Concepts and Issues', Public Money and Management, (1996), (with R Hodges and M Wright).
'The Future of Compliance in Retail Financial Services', Journal of Regulation of Compliance, (1996), (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'On the Risk of Stocks in the Long Run: A Resolution to the Debate', Financial Analysts Journal, (1996),(with M Dempsey, R Hudson and K Littler).
'Equity Retention and Initial Public Offerings: The Influence of Signalling and Entrenchment Effects', Applied Financial Economics, (1997), (with H Short).
'Institutional Voting in the UK: Is Mandatory Voting the Answer' Corporate Governance, (1997), (with H Short).
'Retail Financial Services Regulation since the Financial Services Act of 1986', The Review of Policy Issues, (1997), (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'The Manifest Failure of the Financial Services Act: A Reply to Hinchcliffe', The Review of Policy Issues, (1997), (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'Corporate Governance, Accountability and Enterprise', Corporate Governance, (1998), (with H Short, A Hull and M Wright)
'Share Prices under Tory and Labour Governments in the UK Since 1945', Applied Financial Economics, (1998), (with R Hudson and M Dempsey).
'Managerial Ownership and the Performance of Firms: Evidence from the UK', Journal of Corporate Finance, (1999), (with H Short).
'Mental Accounting and Decision Making: The Relationship Between Relative and Absolute Savings' Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, (1999), (with P Moon and D Duxbury).
'Time Diversification: An Essay in the Need to Revisit Finance Theory!', Critical Perspectives in Accounting, (1999), (with R Hudson, K Littler and M Dempsey).
'Corporate Governance: From Accountability to Enterprise', Accounting and Business Research, (1999), (with Helen Short, Mike Wright and Alison Hull).
'Interest Rate Premia on UK Small Firm Bank Borrowings: A Research Note', Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, (2000), (with R Watson).
'Sunk Cost Effects: A Test of the Importance of Context', Economic Letters, (2000), (with P. Moon)
'Tick Size and the Compass Rose: Further Insights', Economics Letters, (2000), (with Eliza Wang and Robert Hudson).
'Share Dealing on the Web: A Comprehensive Review of Design Specifications Across the Globe', The International Journal of Information Management, (2000), (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'Money Laundering and the Internet: A Challenge for Regulation', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, (2000), (with R Jones).
'The Use of League Tables in Financial Services', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, (2000), (with R. Jones).
'Performance Measurement and the Use of League Tables: Some Experimental Evidence of Dysfunctional Consequences', (2000), Accounting and Business Research, (P. Moon and D. Duxbury).
'The Risk and Return of UK Equities following Price Innovations: A Case of Market Inefficiency?', Applied Financial Economics, (2001), (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'The Cruickshank Report: The Review of Banking Services in the UK', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, (2000), (with H. Short).
'A New Approach to Linking Strategy Formulation and Stategy Implementation: An Example from the UK Banking Sector', The International Journal of Information Management, 2000, (with P. Aisthorpe, R Hudson and K Littler).
'Why Investors Should Be Cautious of the Academic Approach to Testing for Stock Market Anomalies', Applied Financial Economics, (2002), (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'The Link between Dividend Policy and Institutional Ownership', Journal of Corporate Finance, 2002, (with H. Short and H. Zhang).
'Capital Structure, Management Ownership and Large External Shareholders: A UK Analysis', International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2002, (with H. Short and D. Duxbury).
'A Strategic Approach to the Study of Innovation in the Financial Services Industry: The Case of Telephone Banking', Journal of Marketing Management, forthcoming, (with L. Constanzo and H. Short).
'Lending Decision Making and the Competition Commission Report on the Provision of Banking Services to Small Firms', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 2003, (with J. Ashton).
'Non-Executive Directors and the Higgs Consultation Paper - Review of the Role and Effectiveness of Non-Executive Directors', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 2002, (with R. Hudson).
'Trading Frequency and the Compass Rose', Applied Economic Letters, forthcoming, (with C. Cai and R. Hudson).
'Further Reflections on the Nature of Intuition-Analysis and the Construct Validity of the Cognitive Style Index', Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, forthcoming, (with C.Allinson, J.Hayes and R.Hudson).
'Intra Day Bid-Ask Spreads, Trading Volume and Volatility: Recent Empirical Evidence from the London Stock Exchange', Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, forthcoming, (with C. Cai and R. Hudson).
'Conversion, Performance and Executive Compensation in UK Building Societies', International Journal of Corporate Governance, forthcoming, (with J. Ashton and R. Shiwakoti).
'Competition and the Provision of Banking Services to UK SMEs', Small Business Economics, forthcoming, (with J. Ashton).
Refereed Articles Under Submission
'Dotcom IPOs: Evidence on Valuation and Underpricing', International Journal of Economics of Business, (with C. Cai and D. Duxbury). 1st SUB 28th Nov 2002.
'Pre-Holiday Effects: International Evidence on the Decline and Reversal of a Stock Market Anomaly', Journal of International Money and Finance, (with R. Chong, R Hudson and K Littler). 1ST SUB 26 APRIL 02, ACKN 21 MAY, CHASED 11 SEPT.
'Daily and Intra day Stock Return Distributions: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, (with C. Cai and R. Hudson).
'Manipulation of the IPO Market during the Dotcom Bubble', The Financial Review, (with C. Cai and D. Duxbury), 1st sub Dec 2002.
'Mental Accounting and Decision Making: Evidence Under More General Conditions', Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, (with D. Duxbury, H. Zhang and S.L. Chow).
Reports, Papers, etc.
'An Evaluation of the Continuing Viability of Teeside Airport', Cleveland Research Report, (1978).
'The Changing Role of Women and Employment', Cleveland Research Report, (1978).
'The Decline of Middlesborough Inner-City Area', Cleveland Research Report, (1978).
'Segmented Labour Markets and the Persistence of Sectors in Inner Areas', Cleveland Research Report, (1978).
'Market Strategy: The Need for Macroeconomic Forecasts', Conference Proceedings, Industrial Marketing Research Association, May 1984, (with P Bell).
'A Selective Approach to Small Firms', Tory Review, Issue V, Vol II, June 1984, (with D Storey)
'Small Company Failure Prediction: An Analytical Review', Business Graduate, January 1985, (with R Watson).
'An Abstract on Industry Performance Evaluation', International Small Business Journal, Summer 1986.
'Characteristics of 'High Profit', Small Northern Manufacturing Companies', Report for Price Waterhouse, (1986), (with D Storey and R Watson).
'The Characteristics of Rapid Growing New Manufacturing Companies', Report for Price Waterhouse, (1986), (with D Storey, R Watson and P Wynarczyk).
'Tax Changes of the 1984 Budget and their Impact on Small Firm Investment Behaviour', Report for the Small Business Research Trust, (1988), (with M Binks).
'Empirically Testing the Winner's Curse Model of the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings: A Point of Clarification', Royal Economic Society Newsletter, Autumn, 1991.
'Small Firms: A Different Kind of Beast', The Leeds Review, Autumn, 1992.
'Investment and Financing Decisions and the Performance of Small Firms', Report for National Westminster Bank, Summer 1992, (with R Watson).
'Small Firms and Banks: Is Conflict Inevitable?', National Westminster Bank Review, Summer 1993, (with R Watson).
'Corporate Performance and Institutional Shareholdings', ICAEW, Spring 1995, (with H Short)
'Changing Technologies in the Financial Services Sector: Regional Implications', The Regional Review, 1997, (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'Share Dealing on the Web: A Review of Design Specifications Across the Globe', Report for Halifax Share Dealing Ltd, 1998, (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'Fabulous Fortunes', (background research for a 6 programme series on wealth in the 20th century), Trans World International, 1998, , (with R Hudson and K Littler).
'Performance Management in Health Action Zones: A Process and Template for Using Balanced Scorecards', Report for the NHS Executive, 1999, (with P. Aisthorpe, D. Lloyd and J. Perez Vazquez).
'Review of the Yorkshire & Humber E-Region Plan', Report for Yorkshire Forward, 2002, (with S. King, M. Holmes and S. Greenwood)
Dr Charlie X. Cai
Dr Charlie X. Cai holds the position of Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Department, Leeds University Business School, the University of Leeds. He is also a member of staff within the Centre for Advanced Studies in Finance (CASIF). Prior to joining the Accounting and Finance department, he held a position of research fellow within the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services (IIBFS). He obtained a finance PhD degree and Masters Degree from Leeds University Business School. Charlie’s research interests are in the areas of financial economics, financial econometrics, asset pricing, and corporate governance, with a primary focus on the microstructure of financial markets. To date Charlie has published nine papers in international refereed journals and an article as part of a book.
[email protected]Telephone: +44 (0)113 343 4505
Location: 2.05
Division: Accounting and Finance
Position: Research Fellow in the International Institute of Banking and Financial Services