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新加坡金融管理局Heng Swee Keat局长一行访问我校并作学术报告

2015年09月17日 12:43  点击:[]

新加坡金融管理局Heng Swee Keat局长一行访问我校并作学术报告  
         应赌博平台 和国际合作处的邀请,新加坡金融管理局Heng Swee Keat局长(央行行长)一行将于4月24-4月28日访问我校。访问期间将同赌博平台 就金融风险控制、西安投资环境及合作研究等问题进行交流,并作专场学术报告。
学术报告题目:Policy Challenges for Asia post financial crisis
地点:  赌博平台 8楼报告厅
时间:  4月26日下午3:00
 Curriculum Vitae of HENG SWEE KEAT
Mr. Heng, as the Managing Director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), oversees the policies and operations of MAS. MAS serves as the central bank of Singapore, as well as an integrated supervisor of the financial services industry, covering banking, insurance and capital markets.  
Prior to this, Mr. Heng was the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, overseeing economic policy, trade negotiations, and the regulation and development of industry.  Before assuming this appointment, Mr. Heng was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Trade Development Board.
Between 1997 and 2000, Mr. Heng served in the Prime Minister's Office as the Principal Private Secretary to the then-Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew.  Mr. Heng has also served in various positions in the Singapore Civil Service.  In 2001, Mr. Heng was awarded the Gold Medal in Public Administration for his contribution to the public service in Singapore.
Mr. Heng graduated with an MA in Economics from the Cambridge University, United Kingdom.  He also holds a Master of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

上一条:2010级研究生新生档案接收(截止时间为4月27日) 下一条:关于“五一”国际劳动节放假的通知


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