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日本国际东亚研究所Paul Hidehiko TANIMURA所长学术报告

2015年09月17日 12:43  点击:[]

日本国际东亚研究所Paul Hidehiko TANIMURA所长学术报告
        应赌博平台 院长冯根福教授和国际合作处梁丽处长的邀请,日本国际东亚研究所Paul Hidehiko TANIMURA所长一行将于4月21-4月24日
访问我校。访问期间将同赌博平台 就合作研究及互派访问学者等问题交换意见,并作专场学术报告。
              地点:  赌博平台 8楼报告厅
时间:  4月22日下午4:00
            报告人: Paul Hidehiko ANIMURA
Managing Director   Paul Hidehiko TANIMURA

Architecture, Urban Planning, Social System Studies
Main Research Themes
Growth and changes of cities and regions in East Asia, Creativity and regional development
Highest Degree
Dr. Eng., University of Tokyo, 1972

Employment History
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba (1968-1972)
Associate Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba (1977-1981)
Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba (1981-2002)
Professor, Graduate School of Social System Studies, University of Kitakyushu (2002-2009)
Director, Center for Cultural and Social Studies of Asia, University of Kitakyushu (2008-2009)
Managing Director, The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development (2009-present)

Other Major Appointments
Licensed Architect and Registered Engineering Consultant
Academic Research Award, Architectural Institute of Japan 1984
President, Pacific Rim Council for Urban Development (2000-2002)
Inspector for Engineering Faculties, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (1994-2002)
Special consultant for Science, Engineering and Agricultural Graduate Education, Central Council for Education (2004-2005)

Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2008. Siheyuan Houses of Beijing, Chuokoronbijutsu Shuppan (in Japanese)
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 1995. Planning of Community Facilities, AIJ, Maruzen, (in Japanese)
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 1992. Analytical Models for Architecture and Planning, AIJ, Inoue Shoten (in Japanese)
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2002. 乬The Effects of Day Care Facilities on Fertility of Working Married Women乭, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1.1, pp. 189-196.
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2002. 乬An Application of the AHP to Urban Residential Upgrading in Jakarta乭, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1.1, pp. 253-259.
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2002. 乬Analysis of the Distribution of Urban Service Facilities by Means of the Similarity of Density Curves Estimated by the Kernel Method乭, Transactions of AIJ, 532, pp. 133-139.
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2002. 乬Spatial Order of Siheyuan Quarters of Beijing乭, Transactions of AIJ, 555, pp. 145-154.
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2001. 乬National Level Economic and Spatial Planning in Japan乭, in National-level Planning in Democratic Countries: an International Comparison of City and Regional Policy-making, ed. Rachelle Alterman, Liverpool University Press.
Hidehiko Tanimura et al., 2000. 乬The Spatial Distribution of Japanese Industries in Indonesia乭, Review of Urban and Regional Development Science, 12-2, pp. 120-136.

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