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2015年09月17日 12:41  点击:[]

题  目:A Road Map To Publishing In Academic Journals
报告人:NADA KOBEISSI  Associate Professor
        College of Management, Long Island University – CW Post, New York.
时  间:2012年11月21日下午4:00——6:00
地  点:交大财经校区教学楼八楼学术报告厅
Ph.D. in Management, Rutgers University
MBA in Management, Rtgers University
Master of International Management, Baylor University
Bachelor of Science & Minor in Economics, University of Houston
Certificate in Teaching, Learning and Technology, New Jersey Institute of Technology (Focus on developing
and teaching On-line/Distance Learning courses).
Visiting Scholar April 30 - June 9, 2012.
Graduate School of Business, Global MBA program
Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea
Assistant Professor Fall 2003- August 2009
College of Management, Long Island University – CW Post, New York.
Visiting Researcher, July 2003
Bank of Finland, Institute of Economies in Transition, Helsinki, Finland.
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2002-2003
College of Management, Long Island University – CW Post, New York.
Adjunct Instructor Summer and Fall 2001
School of Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey.
Consultant, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 1992-2000, NY- NY.
Beta Gamma Sigma, International Honor Society for Academic Achievement in the Study of Business.
Nominated to the All-Academy Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award. AOM, 2005.
Best Paper Proceedings - Academy of Management (AOM). August 2003.
Best Paper Award - AOM, Social Issue in Management Division. August 2003.
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Rutgers University
Excellence Fellowship, Rutgers University
Dean’s List and Academic Scholarship, University of Houston.
院科研办   2012.11.19

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