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赌博平台 温军教授、郑明波博士生受邀担任SCI期刊特刊客座编辑

2020年01月11日 09:28  点击:[]

近日,在冯根福教授的大力支持下,赌博平台 温军教授、郑明波博士生与台湾中山大学和实践大学张存炳教授受国际知名出版社Springer旗下环境领域知名高水平SCI期刊《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》主编邀请,担任特刊“Research in Environmental Governance and Innovation”的客座编辑(Guest Editor)。温军教授担任此职是鉴于他在绿色创新研究方面的重要成就和贡献,同时,也提高了学院国际知名度。

Environmental Science and Pollution Research为环境科学与生态学领域的国际知名期刊,致力于刊发与环境治理有关的原创性研究。2018年JCR分区中,Environmental Science and Pollution Research为环境研究大类的二区期刊。


Research in Environmental Governance and Innovation (REGI)

Call for Papers.TheEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchJournal is planning a special issue on environmental governance and innovation. Manuscripts (research articles) in the theme of this special issue and the other potential topics include those that fall in the scope of journal are welcomed.

This Special Issue aims to cover relevant up-to-date topics related to:

i) Pollution Governance and Innovation

ii) Environmental Policy and Technology

iii) Technological Progress and Energy Efficiency

iv) Energy Management and Innovation

v) Emission Control and Innovation

All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer-review process and need to adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are found here: //www.springer.com/journal/11356/updates/17557328. For more information, please contact the guest editors directly.

Please submit your articles via the online submission site:

//www.editorialmanager.com/espr/, Submission Code: REGI

Open: Submission of full manuscripts: February 1, 2020

Deadline: Submission of full manuscripts: September 30, 2020

Guest Editors:

Dr. Chun-Ping Chang, Shih Chien University, Taiwan ([email protected])

Dr. Jun Wen, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China ([email protected])

Dr. Mingbo Zheng, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China ([email protected])

Guidance: Prof. Gen-Fu Feng (XJTU)






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