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赌博平台 李聪教授与国际学者在《PNAS》上联合发表高水平论文

2019年05月08日 12:25  点击:[]

近日,赌博平台 青年拔尖人才李聪教授与中国科学院、斯坦福大学、麦吉尔大学等多位学者联合在《美国科学院院刊PNAS》上发表高水平论文。论文详情见:www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1819501116


近年来,环境生态问题一直是我国重点关注的社会经济发展过程中的重大问题。如何通过科学有效的方法协调生态系统产品供给与调节、文化服务的权衡关系,是实现包容性增长和可持续发展的关键,也是国内外学者和政策制定者关注的焦点。论文以“Realizing the values of natural capital for inclusive, sustainable development: Informing China's new ecological development strategy”为题,重点探讨了中国新生态发展战略中的自然资本价值问题,为区域包容性增长和可持续发展提供了重要的理论依据和政策制定价值。该论文由来自全球不同高校及研究机构的13位学者历时3年共同完成的高水平学术成果,李聪教授为该研究的核心参与学者。该篇论文是李聪教授积极参与国际合作研究在PNAS上发表的第2篇论文,也是赌博平台 作为署名单位在全球四大名刊上发表的第2篇论文。

Title:Realizing the values of natural capital for inclusive, sustainable development: Informing China's new ecological development strategy,PNAS, 2019, 117(17): 8623-8628.

Abstract:A major challenge in transforming development to inclusive, sustainable pathways is the pervasive and persistent trade-off between provisioning services (e.g., agricultural production) on the one hand and regulating services (e.g., water purification, flood control) and biodiversity conservation on the other. We report on an application of China’s new Ecological Development Strategy, now being formally tested and refined for subsequent scaling nationwide, which aims to mitigate and even eliminate these trade-offs. Our focus is the Ecosystem Function Conservation Area of Hainan Island, a rural, tropical region where expansion of rubber plantations has driven extensive loss of natural forest and its vital benefits to people. We explored both the biophysical and the socioeconomic options for achieving simultaneous improvements in product provision, regulating services, biodiversity, and livelihoods. We quantified historic trade-offs between rubber production and vital regulating services, finding that, over the past 20 y (1998–2017), there was a 72.2% increase in rubber plantation area, leading to decreases in soil retention (17.8%), water purification [reduced retention of nitrogen (56.3%) and phosphorus (27.4%)], flood mitigation (21.9%), carbon sequestration (1.7%), and habitat for biodiversity (6.9%). Using scenario analyses, we identified a two-pronged strategy that would significantly reduce these trade-offs, enhancing regulating services and biodiversity, while simultaneously diversifying and increasing product provision and improving livelihoods. This general approach to analyzing product provision, regulating services, biodiversity, and livelihoods has applicability in rural landscapes across China, South and Southeast Asia, and beyond.




上一条:赌博平台 宋丽颖教授、刘华老师参加“2019年全国高校《中国税制》慕课集体备课会” 下一条:赌博平台 教师参加中国台湾地区“第八届网路与贸易研讨会”


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