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赌博平台 青年教师张桂清发表的论文入选ESI高被引论文

2018年09月05日 15:40  点击:[]

根据最新的ESI检索数据显示,近日赌博平台 青年教师张桂清与四川大学董玉成教授等学者合作撰写的论文“Linguistic Computational Model Based on 2-Tuples and Intervals”入选2018年ESI高被引论文。该论文于2013年第21卷第6期发表在《IEEETransactionsonFuzzySystems》期刊上。在JCR分区中,该期刊隶属于计算科学类的Q1区;2017年最新JCR数据显示,该期刊5年影响因子高达9.34。论文自发表以来,被引用次数达到83次。

TitleLinguistic Computational Model Based on 2-Tuples and Intervals

AuthorDong, YC; Zhang, GQ; Hong, WC; Yu, S

AbstractHerrera and Martinez initiated a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model for computing with words. Moreover, Wang and Hao further developed a new 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model to deal with the linguistic term sets that are not uniformly and symmetrically distributed. This study proposes another linguistic computational model based on 2-tuples and intervals, which we call an interval version of the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model. The proposed model possesses three steps: 1) interval numerical scale; 2) computation based on interval numbers; and 3) a generalized inverse operation of the interval numerical scale. The first step transforms linguistic terms into interval numbers, based on which the second step is executed with output as an interval number. Finally, this number is then mapped into the interval of the linguistic 2-tuples by the generalized inverse operation. This study also generalizes the numerical scale approach, presented in the Wang and Hao model, to set the interval numerical scale, by considering the context where semantics of linguistic terms are defined by interval type-2 fuzzy sets (IT2 FSs). In order to compare the proposed model with the existing linguistic computational model based on IT2 FSs, we have conducted extensive simulations. The simulations demonstrate that the results obtained by our proposal are consistent with the results of the linguistic computational model based on IT2 FSs (in some sense) in a vast majority of cases.





上一条:赌博平台 召开2019届毕业生就业动员大会 下一条:【博文有约】第49期 青年教师王爱琴博士专访


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